Working on an update to for macOS. Anyone have any Mac-specific gripes that need attention?

Conversations are often just blank white pages. It used to be restricted to when clicking through from Discover but after recent updates it has spread elsewhere.

I'd love to be able to see cross-posting & categories simultaneously and let them stay visible for a new post if I left either or both visible the past time I authored and posted.

when I do a Google search for macos app
it brings up a Netlify link to an old version of the app as the 2nd choice:

@rpmik I had mixed feelings about that so I gave notes their own shortcut: command-option-N.

@kimonostereo Good catch. That was a mirror set up by @paulrobertlloyd years ago for a redesign... I don't think I have access to it. Paul, do you think you could just zap

@rpmik Yeah, it's a good point. I'll think more about this and maybe there will be a natural way to improve this in the future so that it's consistent everywhere.

- Please have the cross-posting options and categories list available via the new post window rather than navigating to the menu bar. Brownie points if I can keep both visible whenever I open the new post window again.
- browse multiple photos in a post horizontally instead of vertically
- Have an indicator for when a post has replies
- Include the embed link at the bottom of each post.

@jmanes Yep! Already have the Markdown headers color fixed, not sure about the others yet.

@pratik I've been thinking about embed too. I don't like that it's not available in any form (even if slightly buried) on the Mac right now.

How about some way to bring up the edit post screen on your own replies without having to navigate to it yourself. I make too many typos in my initial comments and posts. (Also the same on iOS as well 🙏🏾)

macOS system text replacements don't work in the post editor. They do work in the iOS app post editor.
@manton This one’s petty, but… The faint divider line between posts, bookmarks, etc. could use just a little more contrast - but not a lot. It’s just a visual thing for me. Like I said, kind of petty.

When you're in a bookshelf, it's not obvious that you can right-click/control-click to pull up a contextual menu. I like the menu as is, but I'm not sure if some visual marker (is it called an ellipsis menu? - sorry, I'm a doctor, not a interface programmer!) would be helpful to more easily access it than just randomly click and hope it does something.

@dgreene196 That makes sense. Those options are a little too hidden.

I'm just going to say, +1 to all these. I very much resonate with @pratik's list.

Not sure how feasible it is, but being able to insert images inline in the text rather than just at the end on a post?

Another very minor and perhaps a bug. If you click on a post, the conversation view appears. In that view, if you click on a post again, the conversation view appears in a new sliding window and keeps happening with each click. Perhaps the click should be disabled after it opens the first time?

@sebfontan Thanks! I'll add "delete" to the right-click options as a first step. That was definitely an oversight.

option to keeping the category options in view. stop the main window unminimising when clicking into the post window

make it way clearer which blog your are posting to if you have more than one

recently the publishing changes to blog seems to be really slow and I fear quiting the app. And related to my other push the ability to import from instagram etc from the app to other blogs your own on your account

@adamprocter More clear than the domain name at the bottom of the new post window? I'd like to add a favicon next to it, although most blogs don't have a separate favicon currently.

if you think it’s possible? it just doesn’t always register to me visually, maybe at the top like on the web post

Still only the one main ask is timeline synching/remembering point within timeline 😀

I hadn't had the chance to really play around with the new Mac version of Thank you for making that change to bookshelves - it's definitely more intuitive now!