Micro.blog 3.2 for macOS

Lots of improvements in this release. Full release notes:

  • Added new logs window to show current blog publishing status and other errors.
  • Added keyboard navigation for the timeline. Up and down arrows to select posts, return key to view conversation, and command-R to reply.
  • Added View menu → Go to @username command to show your profile.
  • Added keyboard shortcut command-[ for back button.
  • Added right-click option to delete selected upload.
  • Added “…” button for selected books in a bookshelf, same options as right-click.
  • Improved book cover caching.
  • Improved icons and other little layout fixes.
  • Fixed Markdown header color when writing a blog post.

Here’s a screenshot of the new logs window:

Screenshot of logs window.

Perhaps the biggest change is finally some keyboard navigation for the timeline. Use the up and down arrow keys to select posts, the return key to view a conversation, and command-R to reply to a post.

Simon Woods

On first glance the Conversation blank screen bug is also gone 🙌

The keyboard navigation is such a good idea. Helps a bit to solve the problem of "who am I replying to" inside the flat wall of replies. Do you intend to further develop this? Navigating through the sidebar, reply-all shortcut, etc?

Manton Reece

@SimonWoods Yes, there is more we could do, and I already have a short list of tweaks to make later. For the blank conversation, I think this is still an issue sometimes from the user profile screen.

Simon Woods

Awesome! Oh I just remembered that there are already shortcuts for the sidebar anyway, plus I think you can navigate through any app with keys via certain settings. Given that, broad quicker navigation is well covered.

I briefly stopped using the app because of the bug and whilst I'm always happy to use the website, I did miss the Mac-isms. Feels good to be back. :)

Patrick Rhone

Some great improvements. Congrats!

Esteban Umerez

Already replying to you by typing ⌘R, this is great, thanks!

David Johnson

I happy to see ⌘[ added for the back button. It is in my muscle memory from browsers and I have used it instinctively on the Micro.blog app, obviously with no results. So great to see it included. Thank you.


Keyboard navigation is fantastic. And the app is still the size of an mp3. Really well done!

Matthew Gregg

Loving the keyboard shortcuts. I could wish for them to be all from the arrow keys for navigation, but this works. When a conversation opens from "enter", you can no longer navigate up/down with the keyboard on that view. Would be nice to have.

Matthew Gregg

Looks like post navigation up/down breaks when you do a "show more". Have to mouse click on a post or open a conversation to get it back working.

Manton Reece

@mcg Thanks, I’ll get these fixed in an update.

Colin Devroe

@manton nice update. Lots of improvements.


This is really nitpicky. But, a combination of the command key and a number will get you to any of the sections, except notes. I don't even use notes much, but, it seems like an odd omission when cmd + 0 is available.

Manton Reece

@skoobz Yeah, we ran out of numbers. 🙂 Because command-0 is already used for the main window, I wasn't quite ready to repurpose it, but I'm considering it.

Manton Reece @manton
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