On reviews of the AI Pin, the bigger problem is clickbait titles. Reviews on The Verge, MKBHD, The New York Times, and elsewhere seemed quite fair if you read or watched through the whole thing. Don’t think this would be a controversy if the titles hadn’t been so provocative.

Charles Perry

@manton Agreed 100%.

Simon Woods

@DazeEnd You can practically see Marques struggling with the title of the video with that "... For Now". I think I even saw a preview or a bit of a description or maybe a Short (I struggle to keep up with the various ways YouTube manipulates videos around the platform) in which his opinion also included something along the lines of "this isn't great but it will be".


Side effects of relying on advertising and eyeballs

Rene van Belzen

FWIW, most products aren't worth reviewing, because they are so average and unappealing. Only remarkably good and remarkably bad products get a review and a brief spotlight in the news. The huge majority of new products is never noticed by the general public.

Manton Reece @manton
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