Check out the iOS app Bound if you ever have a bunch of downloaded audiobook files that can’t fit in Audible, Libby, etc. I’m using it with the MP3s for Dragonsteel Prime and it works great.

Rick Martin

Nice! I may have to try that for listening to the secret projects.


I concur, Bound is awesome!


I concur, Bound is awesome!

Chuck Grimmett

This is great! I’ve stripping the DRM from my Audible collection using ffmpeg, so I’ll give Bound a try. Thanks for the recommendation.

Alex LaFroscia

@manton If you’re interested in alternate audio book apps, Prologue is also a really cool option! It’s a great app that works with a Plex server to host your personal audio book library

Manton Reece

@alexlafroscia That looks really interesting! I don't use Plex but will keep that in mind.

Mitch Wagner

I recently discovered for DRM-free audiobooks, and will make it my primary audiobook bookstore. I listened to audiobooks from there using Overcast. Works great, and I like having audiobooks and podcasts in one app.

Manton Reece

@MitchW I thought about loading up these MP3s in Overcast too, and making a playlist for them. In this case there are dozens of chapters as separate files.

Mitch Wagner

I encountered that same problem with my first open audiobook, but then I learned there's an open file format for audiobooks, which and Overcast support. I forget the name of it. Your audiobook comes all in one file, with chapters. Very nice!

Todd Grotenhuis

@cagrimmett do you have a good resource for doing this? works with Chirp or other sources too?

Manton Reece @manton
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