The “it should’ve been an app” arguments would resonate with me more if Apple let you replace Siri. There’s just no way to get enough integration on iOS. It is hard to innovate around Apple and Google, but I’m glad some developers are trying to, because that’s how we get new things.

Steve Tibbett

@manton Seems like the future we're going to get is innovation happens through sideloading / alternative app stores, until it reaches critical mass, and then gets sherlocked. It'll be good to have a playground for new ideas again.

Manton Reece

@stevex I only wish I could be part of that playground. Need an office in Europe. 🙂


It'll come. Just will take time for a global option I reckon. Maybe another ~5 years. It's exciting.

Jason Becker

I personally think the Action Button makes that less of a big deal.

Manton Reece

@jsonbecker I wondered about that too. I don't have an action button on my iPhone 14 Pro. Would be great if Apple expands support for it… I don't think apps can configure themselves to use the button yet, so it's sort of a power user feature for now.

Dr. Adam Procter

this reminded me I have an action button 🤣 I set it to camera I should remember that

Jason Becker

the current “out” is that it can trigger a shortcut. I expect/hope they’ll open it up to other apps, and maybe even essentially an app extension or app clip.

Manton Reece @manton
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