Jason Fried:

I’m still doing this because the world is flooded with overpriced, crappy, subpar software. It hurts people and it hurts the economy.

Reminds me of when 37signals would redesign popular sites like FedEx. Part of it was a way to get attention for what they could do, but I bet it was also because Jason couldn’t stand how bad some websites were.

Kuba Suder • @mackuba.eu on 🦋

@manton Hey, is your Bluesky channel broken right now, or are you manually selecting which post goes to which channels?

Manton Reece

@mackuba I disabled all cross-posting on my blog for a little while. I’ll turn it back on soon but was feeling like I needed to take a quick break from other networks.


Highly recommend Recoding America by Jennifer Pahlka. All tech people who interact with the government or semi-government organizations or, heck, even have an opinion about it, should read this book.

Matthew Gregg

I work in the Ruby/Rails world and used to admire 37Signals, Jason and David. Over the last few years they have done things that have turned that admiration into distain. Frustrating.

Jason Becker

@mcg couldn’t agree more. Although these days I’m loving Elixir instead.

Matthew Gregg

@jsonbecker Dabbled with Erlang in a past life. Wouldn’t say no to a change to Elixir.

Manton Reece @manton
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