Not sick of me singing the praises of OpenAI yet? Their batch API is incredible. An elegant design, if you can say that about an API, and very powerful.

I feel obligated to point out that vendor-specific APIs are the ultimate lock-in strategy. So I am completely unsurprised to hear that OpenAI has tantalizingly good ways to get developers to commit to their platform. It is vital to the future of OpenAI to get that right.

@fgtech but, any form of “language” is some form of lock-in. At some point, you have to commit to something.

@numericcitizen Just an observation, really. I do agree that a well-designed API is hard to come by these days and makes the job of programming much more fun. I hope my cynicism about OpenAI doesn’t overly dampen your joy at coding with it, !

@fgtech Interesting point. I don't feel particularly locked in because I could switch to someone else's API or my own servers, but it's true that the more complicated or unique the API, the harder that is. And the batch API is something I haven't seen anyone else do.