Busy morning, so only just now catching up on all iPad announcements. The Verge as usual has a good overview. I’ve fallen out of using iPads, but tempted again by the new pencil.

Steve Sawczyn

It's strange, as a blind guy, I didn't think I'd have much use for an iPad because screen size doesn't matter to me. That said, I love the split screen functionality and the ability to explore the screen by touch to get a conceptual understanding of layout, this has been huge for me. Not getting one of the new models, but love the iPad I have.


@manton Going on 10 years of wishing for a Pencil for iPhone…

David Hariri

I’m sure this is documented somewhere, but does the iOS app for Micro.Blog work on iPad?

Manton Reece

@davidhariri Yep, same features on iPad.

David Hariri

compelling! Thanks

Manton Reece @manton
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