Working with the Threads API reminds me of how frustrating it was to work with Facebook’s main app API years ago, and any silo API that requires manual approval like the App Store. The bureaucracy is at odds with Meta’s claim of supporting the open web and fediverse.

Charles Johnson

I really disliked working with Facebook’s API. They kept changing things in breaking ways, for no reason.

A return to normal

I really disliked working with Facebook’s API. They kept changing things in breaking ways, for no reason.

Charles Johnson

I really disliked working with Facebook’s API. They kept changing things in breaking ways, for no reason.

Paul Robert Lloyd

Facebook’s words not matching their actions? Quelle surprise.

Marco Maroni

Meta ≠ Open web

Manton Reece

@paulrobertlloyd Sigh, I know.


Coming to soon? What features?

Manton Reece

@pratik Automatic cross-posting to Threads from your blog, very similar to our support for other existing platforms.


Awesome. Will replies to our Threads posts show up in Mentions?

Manton Reece

@pratik Not in the initial release. Right now I'm not sure how much more I want to invest in Threads beyond the basics, but we'll see.

Mark Stoneman
Manton Reece

@markstoneman Yeah, I never expected a full API because they don't want to give up ad revenue by letting third-party apps have control over the app experience. But I'm just generally disappointed that they haven't done more.

R Scott Jones

oh man, it'd be really great to be able to see replies here! I just want to let my friends on threads see what I post and comment back. Don't make us have to check in on the threads app to see if someone has left a comment 🤮

Lex Friedman

@manton 100% agree. Very hostile to real world usage.

Greg Pierce

@lexfri @manton Drafts integrates with ~18 services via OAuth and I was still like, “I got do *what* to get useful long-lived tokens”

Manton Reece @manton
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