Great collection from Michael Tsai of posts on a range of reactions to Apple blaming the DMA for delaying Apple Intelligence in Europe. I don’t feel too strongly about it, but we know Apple is frustrated with the regulation, could be slow-rolling it as a tactic.

The DMA is only vague if you’re trying to game it. The rules amount to “don’t be a dick”.
This perfectly encapsulates how people understand how laws operate when they agree with the general idea. The reasons laws and legislation are so long that they’ve to specify exactly what you can and cannot do. Laws for driving hence are - do not exceed X mph on this stretch of road - and not “don’t drive like a dick”

@pratik it does seem, for better or worse, that European law doesn’t quite work like this. I’m shocked at how much discretion is in the hands of bureaucrats to determine compliance and that they don’t seem to have to articulate what they want. They seem to just get to adjudicate on a case by case basis for as long as they want.

@pratik Cars and roads are easier to define in some ways, although you do have the somewhat subjective “reckless driving” too.

@jsonbecker I wonder if the DMA is starting to get a reputation of being more vague than it actually is. Some things (like AI) couldn’t have been spelled out when it was drafted. The intent of the App Store sections is fairly clear to me, at least.

@manton i love how apple is complaining about European restriction... bit is still doing everything what China wants

@SebastienK @manton right? they both want sth about privacy! oh no!
but where is like china when china wants ALL data and EU goes for "no data for bigUScorp"

@mhalligan @manton yea and then when company is on chinese market and then is complaining about DMA, GDPR etc is looking for me like a cheap whore who wants to sell everybody a "intime" illness.
EU should not create ANY new beings on the market. IT IS a .gov sphere, it should fight for their citizens and regulate a market that is full of manipulation and bad behaviours.
it is good when eu is regulating railroads for citizens, forcing green energy...
and (i think) its good that they are blocking big it corps for being masters of the world.
meanwhile they are doing bad stull like trying to kill E2EE and thats why we - citizens - always have to watch on hands of our govs
@wikiyu @manton I’ve always wondered where the money goes from all of the EU fines.
Does it go back to the people By way of tax reductions or reparations for harm done by these companies (Like class action lawsuirs do in America)? Does it go into a fund to foster innovation? Or does it just go back into feeding the bureaucracy?
I really do think the EU should be funding innovation because the state of the industry sucks And the lack of competition hurts the entire world.

@manton I’m a European living in the UK so it doesn’t directly impact me but that whole thing stinks. I even understand delaying AI stuff, but what is the reasoning behind delaying eg. phone mirroring? It looks like petulance and a try to turn EU citizens against the EU. I can assure you it will have the opposite effect - it will turn Apple users against Apple and I don’t know how Apple can’t see it.

@manton I was AVP curious (it’s coming to the UK next month) but what is the point for me in locking myself in another closed platform if the manufacturer is punishing users for the “sins” of their rulers? 🤷♂️