There’s a really substantive conversation on MSNBC right now about the president’s job as a communicator vs. a decision-maker, and all the things Biden has accomplished, the historical context with FDR and others, etc. I’m still conflicted about what this debate actually means. 🇺🇸

Evan Light

@manton It moves more swing voters away from Biden and toward the demise of democracy. 😬

We've needed another candidate for a while. Political workers is handy but elections are increasingly glorified beauty pageants for nerds and crooks. We need a more camera-friendly energizing candidate.

Could've been Buttigieg...

Jim Rain

The only meaningful thing about this debate (or campaign) is its effect on undecided voters in swing states. There's no way Biden picked up any of those voters tonight.

Jim Rain

I saw the MSNBC discussion. Lawrence O'Donnell may have been substantively correct, but Joy Reid's comments about how Americans want their president to be their avatar were both interesting and accurate. Unfortunately.

Jim Rain

Of course, if the president is our avatar, what does it say if we elect a felon, liar, and rapist?

Manton Reece

@JimRain Although… undecided voters didn’t watch the debate because to be undecided still you have to be completely tuned out. Even a week from now, undecided voters won’t know a debate happened. 🤪

Joe Bezdek

@manton a way I heard it described that stuck with me is that Biden is absolutely well-suited to be President, but he very well may not be suited to being a Presidential candidate. President and Candidate are two very different “jobs”.

Chow Wi Wang

that is a bit of a harsh statement. We're 6 months out and there should be a level of skepticism in everyone IMHO. You can have your favorite of course, but all things must be weighed and prioritized. Of course people's priorities differ. But wanting people to just blindly follow anyone isn't a good idea.

Manton Reece

@ChowWi I'm half-joking, but yeah, it was a little harsh. Still, I think it's unlikely that undecided voters who haven't made up their mind in 8 years will now become engaged in the process, until it's time to vote.

Chow Wi Wang

I'm undecided every single election till a week or so out... I've voted Republican, I've voted Democrat... It just depends on all the info available until it's close to go time...I consider myself undecided until then.

Manton Reece

@ChowWi Interesting. Okay, I stand corrected then, and sorry if I caused offense. I don't totally get it but admittedly I'm obsessed with the election and made up my mind long ago.

R Scott Jones

I'd imagine that the still-undecideds primarily fall into three camps: (1) the folks you've been referencing that are mostly tuned out; (2) R-leaning folks who'd prefer a Republican but don't like Trump; (3) young Ds who are pissed at Biden and are considering a protest vote. Otherwise, it seems hard to square after seeing both individuals actually DO the job in question for years now that you'd still "need more info" given their wildly different administrations.

Chow Wi Wang

no worries, wasn't trying to shame you or anything, just pointing out waiting to make up your mind is an option. Cheers!

Manton Reece @manton
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