Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Exactly. I will take one rough night from Biden over the daily horrors that come from Trump. This is an easy decision and I donât understand any of the supposed hand wringing from Democrats.
@fgtech I think it comes down to this. Step outside of your preference. Step outside of you for a moment. Now, consider, from a different perspective.
Before the debate, going back months, it's been a given that this was going to be a VERY tight race. Let's not even talk about Trump. The three of us and many others agree on who he is. And we all know that because of who he is he won't step aside. So, let's just look at the big picture for a moment.
Given that it is a tight race. Given that Biden's age has been discussed for months. In any "normal" time, say 20 years ago, Biden's age would have been a concern months ago. In any other time his performance at the debate would have been, at the very least, cause for concern about his age and cognitive abilities. In those times, yes, alarm bells would go off based on what everyone saw.
Of course, 20 years ago, Trump's criminality, lies and promotion of violence and fascism would never have allowed him to get this far. Everything about 2024 is off the norm. In a more normal, rational past where the context of historical standards mattered, Trump would not be a candidate. But in that context Biden's age WOULD be discussed especially in light of Thursday night's debate. I think what this shows is that one side is still holding to historic norms and that the media is still holding at least one side to those historic standards.
MAGA and Trump have taken over the Republican party. That side is now entirely outside of past norms. It's a given that he will not step aside and that by the new rules of that party it's accepted. And, that in the new reality of 2024 roughly half of the country accepts that and even supports it.
The hand wringing about Biden is an indicator that half the country is still functioning within the historical playbook and in that context it's natural to be concerned. And there is hand wringing because there is a simultaneous awareness that the other side is no longer adhering to norms. For them anything goes.
@Denny Okay, I nodded in agreement all of the way through that. I think you are 100% correct. Given this reality, how do Democrats prevail and get elected? What do we have to do to prevent people willing to elect a misogynist, racist, narcissistic homophobe from doing just that?
@fgtech Frankly, in the short term, I don't see an answer. Given the enormity of the cultural shift we are in the middle of I think we have to accept that we are truly in a new reality for the US. I'm outside of the 2 party process, I've never identified with either and have long argued that what's needed are deep, foundational changes to how we view and practice democracy, both elections and legislation.
That said, in the short term, my advice would be that Democrats shoud keep Biden and embrace Kamala. DO BOTH. Elevate her immediately. I'm not exactly sure how they do that but put her along side of Biden both optically but also, practically. Elevate her role in every way. Reassure people that she is there, that she's competent and ready.
But also, the Democrats should start behaving as a coalition of the many. As an outsider I view it as a party that is heavily dominated by older white men and right centrist views. The many other parts of the coalition are persistently in an under dog position. That's what seems to created this crisis. The dominent centrists of the party need need to open the doors wide and truly embrace the diversity of the many. In short, they need to embrace reality and let go. Let the multitudes come in and help.
The Republicans let themselves be redefined by hate and fear.
The Democrats need to let themselves be redefined by the beautiful diversity that holds all of the energy. Let them come in.
@fgtech To put it another way, it's time for the Democrats to embrace a new future for themselves. Don't make this about getting behind Biden. That's a fear-based response. Acknowledge that, going forward, it's a new party for everyone. Let this be a moment of future building.
And, for that matter, let this be a moment where the party becomes the champion of democracy. I'm not sure what it would look like but the Democrats should advocate for more parties, for a more open process that embraces what other nations have been doing for years, a more modern plurality. In short, an end to the two party system. This would be a party that would flourish.
@Denny Well said. Iâm with you. Where do I sign up to vote for you?
By biggest fear is that you are right: we need time to get there. If Trump gets elected again then we are out of time. We will need all hands on deck just to defend the progress we have made so far against vicious, daily attacks.
@Denny As usual, Andy Borowitz nails it:
New York Woman Panics at Prospect of Four More Years With Trump
@fgtech You're right about the time crunch. All the more reason for the party to open the doors wide. Biden shouldn't step aside but if they want to win they need everyone. And that means truly embracing everyone in ways that they have not before. This isn't about Biden. It's about democracy in America. So, truly shift the attention away from Biden. Bring in AOC, Sanders and all of the progressives and put them front and center with Kamala and not just for show. The old guard of the party must step aside now. Let the party grow into a new, different and better movement representative of the America of 2024.
That would be a beautiful, powerful party that many would get behind and fight for.
Usually, the Prez and VP divvy up duties on the campaign trail to cover more ground, and it also lends the impression of who's on the top of the ticket. If you have Kamala go everywhere with Biden, the optics would be like she's babysitting Biden and pulling strings from the background. The chain of command and communication demands that it's always one person on the ticket i.e., the one on the top. This is even more important during governing to avoid a lack of ambiguity of who's in charge. @fgtech
@Denny I like this. Probably shouldnât overdo it, but something like Kamala alongside at one stop, Pete at another, Barack at another, Bernie, AOC, and repeat as needed throughout the campaign. The convention should have everyone on stage literally standing behind Biden.
Make allusions to The Avengers, even. Whatever gets the point across that Denny made. The partyâs doors are open, no hate required.
@pratik I don't think the "cover more ground" is working. Need to shake things up a little.
@fgtech This isn't just about optics and they need to do more than shake things up a little.
The sentiment I keep reading and hearing is that this is not just about electing Biden, it's about defending democracy. It is. It absolutely is. Now the Democrats need to prove that they truly mean that and that they understand what it means.
The Republican party has been remade in the worst way over the past 4-5 years. But it is absolutely clear that they are not fucking around.
The Democrats are just fucking around. Coasting and assuming support from the base, a large portion of which is chided and teased for its youthful idealism. Well, that's not working out so well. Not now and not in the future. It's arrogant, dismissive and it's a mistake to alienate much of the energy that's available. And after Thursday they're going to need all the energy they can get.
@pratik The press doesnât cover Kamala when sheâs on her own. I think she can be much more effective if sheâs blasting Trump publicly and those sound bites are breaking through.
And yup, that's what the VP candidate usually does - be the attack dog and say things, and Prez usually stays on the high horse. But again, here we are hoping the press acts in Democratic (and democracy's) interest. The NYT has gone on record to say that's not their job.
@manton I would love to see that. Harris is so, so, so much smarter than Trump, she could unbalance him easily.
Sadly, Trump might pivot to saying heâd rather compete against Harris because sheâd be a challenge.