Just watched the President’s short speech reacting to the Supreme Court ruling on immunity. Joe Biden is a good man and loves this country. It’s that simple. He was granted new power by the courts today and he refused it. 🇺🇸

Mr. Wheat

Sadly, that won't be true of Trump if he grifts his way back into power. If Joe was a thinking man, he'd take advantage of that new power he was just given and sort this mess out. I dunno why Dems have to be such pussies. The MAGAts don't even consider playing by the rules.

Mr. Wheat

Sadly, that won't be true of Trump if he grifts his way back into power. If Joe was a thinking man, he'd take advantage of that new power he was just given and sort this mess out. I dunno why Dems have to be such pussies. The MAGAts don't even consider playing by the rules.


@manton He should take it, teach them a lesson, and them pull up the ladder.

Manton Reece

@Ooze Here’s a link on YouTube: www.youtube.com/live/vtc_...

Chris Finazzo

@knutson_brain @manton Does that “lesson” involve expelling the GOP members who objected to the election results, dissolving Congress, and simultaneously reconstituting the chambers as a parliament?

A man can dream…

Kimberly Hirsh

The Cincinnatus of our time.

Jim Rain

Yes, and Donald Trump is a bad man. Americans will decide if they want an old bad man as president or an old good man. Character does count.

Rene van Belzen

This doesn't bode well. It disqualified the Supreme Court as the arbiter of right and wrong.

Manton Reece @manton
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