Ben Thompson on Apple joining and then leaving the OpenAI board:

…joining the board of OpenAI emphasizes the narrative that Apple needs OpenAI, suggests that OpenAI is far more integral to Apple Intelligence than it actually is, and puts Apple in the firing line for any future OpenAI controversies. This was a bad idea, and the company is right to back out.

In the short term, it sounds like the OpenAI integration in iOS 18 will ship months before the full Siri + Apple Intelligence is ready. So you could say Apple does need them. Long term, there will be less and less need for a partner.

-funroll-loops 🎸🥁💻

@manton I imagine there's some strategic tension inside Apple between participating in building and owning a world model versus having an abstraction layer for external world models that OSes can route prompts to. The former means Apple has to do a lot of un-Apple like actions and the latter is full other complications due to lack of control. Ultimately, I hope none of this slows down their work on small models that can execute on device and handle more "agent”-based use cases for automation

Frank Reiff

@manton Apple Intelligence is probably not much more than an idea right now.

Mark Stoneman

I suppose, from their point of view, this is better than letting everyone get hooked on an alternative product, as they did with Google Maps. Either way, I don't much care for the idea of any LLM stuff on my phone, unless, it's really just on my phone.

Manton Reece @manton
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