Joe Biden has always rambled, and it hurts him as he gets older. But here’s the deal. One candidate sounds confident but everything he says is nonsense. One candidate sounds mumbling but everything he says is correct. C’mon man! 🇺🇸

Yep. The only way him stepping aside would work would probably be at the DNC by not accepting the nomination. If I'm not mistaken, we elected delegates, not him directly, so there wouldn't be any legal issues. But the constant drumbeat to make his age and mental acuity an issue, and only his, that is ridiculous.

@manton Exactly. At least when he rambles, it’s about policy and governing instead of fictional cannibals and sharks.

he's a good & decent man but Joe is not the right answer for the next four years. I think he will realize that soon.

@manton As a European I won’t be able to vote for either candidate, and whatever candidate runs against Trump is the candidate every sane American should vote for; staying at home would be a complete dereliction of duty to defend democracy.. but does it HAVE to be an octogenarian!?
It probably has to be a middle aged, straight, white, upper class dude who went to Harvard because his dad’s dad’s dad went to Harvard.. just find a sane one and build him up BECORE the actual vote.