I’ve recorded a short 2-minute video to show how we’ve updated Micro.blog’s editor layout for blog theme templates. Simpler, faster. You can find it on YouTube here.

John Gibson

This is awesome Manton.

Manton Reece

@jagibson Thanks!


This looks great, and if it improves speed, all the better. In the previous version, there was a differentiation between templates you have edited and the ones that you have not (default ones). It would be great to have that distinction.

Manton Reece

@pratik I'm going to try to add an icon so you can tell the difference, but in the new version the idea is that you shouldn't need to worry about that as much. If you edit a template, it makes a new copy seamlessly for you. If you delete it, it reverts back to the default.


Cool. Will the new copy be named differently? I know that has tripped me up in the past. Less so with Tiny since we have to manually create a microhook so that assumption is evident. Also, as I have learned, Hugo has a specific order in which it reads different templates for generating the same page.

Manton Reece

@pratik It won't be named differently, but now you'll only see the new version. So you shouldn't be able to accidentally edit the wrong one anymore.


That’s helpful. when you delete the modified template, will the original one then be visible? Also, how will we know which templates are safe to delete to start over?

Matt Langford

Oh that's great. And I really loved the callout at the end! 😃

Al Power

great work and that CSS preview is just lovely! I’m wondering how tricky it would be to get preview working dynamically before one hits update - might be useful. Probably too much effort for small gains.

Manton Reece @manton
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