Federico Viticci on how wired EarPods are still great:

I don’t have to worry about battery life, pairing, or latency. Sure, there’s a wire, and there’s no noise cancelling when using them – but these are my “downtime earbuds” anyway, so I don’t care.

I find myself using my AirPods Pro less and less, actually. For some reason I misplace them when I don’t misplace anything else. They’re amazing, but there’s always that brief moment when I question whether the wireless is actually working, and they still don’t feel as comfortable to me as EarPods.

Greg Morris

plus one is always dead or dying

Chris Adamson

@manton I used to play a music game on my iPad, and the latency between wired EarPods and wireless AirPods was enormous. apps.apple.com/us/app/bang-dre

John Gibson

I’m always shocked how good EarPods sound. I struggle with ear fit at times but sonically they are worth the price of admission.

Paul Robert Lloyd

Absolutely! I still use EarPods, not interested in AirPods, and actually take great pleasure in untying the wires (mainly as I carry two sets, one with a headphone jack for my Mac, another for the Lightning port on my iPhone). Rather this than charging more bloody batteries!

Randy Botti

@paulrobertlloyd I use a wired “1More” headset at home. My wife watches the big TV at night and I watch shows on my iPad or iPhone. Every I take AirPods out to take a break or grab a snack it’s a pain to hook back up

Jade van Dörsten

I bought a pair of in-ear wired headphones a while back because my AirPods Pro started to suffer from the known crackling issue. I've been really happy with using them.

Still, I frequently use my AirPods for convenience, just never for intentful music listening.

Manton Reece @manton
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