The couch jokes about JD Vance might be funny, but it’s misinformation and not even based on anything true. Sorry to be a buzzkill. We can win without making shit up. In the long run, it hurts credibility on the real arguments against the GOP ticket. 🇺🇸

@manton With respect, Manton, this is completely wrong. You don’t beat fascism with logic and debate. You ridicule them. You refuse to engage on their terms, and you exclude them from society. You do NOT extend the hospitality of polite argument. Before you’ve finished proofreading your citations the couch fuckers have dismantled the Constitution and put your family in a camp.
I know you mean well, so please take some time to learn the historical context of what we’re up against.

@dwineman I don’t mean that it has to be only with logic, or even fair, but I think it’s gotta be based in truth. There is so much (frankly) ignorance on the Trump side, about who he is and what he’s done, and that’s almost impossible to combat as it is.

@manton I don’t think it’s possible to combat willful, hate-motivated ignorance. We aren’t going to win those people over. Best hope is to outnumber them.

@fahrni @manton The latter category, yes, 100%. But undecided/swing voters are an illusion. They don’t really exist in significant numbers. There are people on both sides who “swing” between voting and not voting, and we win when those on our side get off their, uh, couches.
So we need to increase the sense of urgency, not convince them that we’re right, because they already agree with us. Motivation, not persuasion. Fortunately I think that’s starting to happen.