Lots of news in Vincent’s weekly update, including the end of Gluon, work on M.b, and handing off Sublime Ads… I like the new name: Shameless Plug. Good luck with it @michal!

Thank you! I would love to pick your brain about the ad space on web and mobile apps at some point. Enjoy your day!

keep thinking that I could use something like Shameless Plug to promote friends websites and non-profits I support. Signed up to play. Curious where @michal and @vincent take this. Can I use the API to use it with newsletters in the Weekly Thing?

@jthingelstad have fun experimenting and please let me or @vincent know how it goes. We have a plan moving forward but suggestions are always welcome. Have a great weekend!

@michal well — I sent an email but the CDN URL to load the JavaScript isn’t resolving the DNS.

@jthingelstad please use https://shamelessplug.app/embed.js
— sorry about that. Still need to migrate things over and make updates ✌️

@jthingelstad Looks like we have some work to do. We will be fixing those issues this upcoming week. We are aiming for a 100% relaunch of the service in September so please be patient with us.

@jthingelstad Can you give the script another go please? Note that you have to update your div with the new data attribute to get it to work (basically I also replaced mention of "sublime"). Docs are here.

@jthingelstad Yeah. It was always my intention to provide some themes for these (as per screenshots in the docs). Gonna talk to Michal and see what he thinks. If you email me, I can help you with some CSS. I have some shoutouts on my own site, in the footer, so you could copy this — although that's using another service I wrote 🤣