Working hard to fix issues in the new editor. I know it’s frustrating when things change out from under customers. I think it’s in good shape now, but not perfect, and I missed a couple things for the initial release. So many different ways that people blog.

Patrick Walsh

Do you have a way to roll out changes like the editor more gradually in the future, like a beta group or feature flag? I’ve been trying to follow along, sorry if I missed that discussion.

It’s looking nice, btw! ✨

Manton Reece

@acfusco I'm testing a fix for this, should be ready today. It happens when the image is at the end of the post, so a temporary work-around is to add a little text at the end while editing until the fix is rolled out.

Manton Reece

@mossymaker I wish I did have a way to only roll out some features to a % of users. For now, it's pretty much all or nothing.

Manton Reece @manton
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