Texans, our state nightmare of needing to take a wallet with us for groceries at HEB may be almost over… Central Market now has Apple Pay. No timeline yet for all HEBs, but I now believe. Never thought I’d live to see this day. 🤪

🇨🇦 Steve

@manton You guys have digital driving licenses already? I can’t wait for that but I bet it’s at least another ten years away here in BC Canada.

Jeremiah Lee

@manton Apple Pay specifically or did they not even support tap cards?


In Austin too? Last I heard they were beta-testing in Dallas

Manton Reece

@pratik Yes! I just used it successfully on Lamar.

Manton Reece

@Jeremiah All tap to pay, so Google Pay, etc. should also work.

Manton Reece

@tewha No, I haven't heard anything about digital driving licenses yet. That will be amazing.


woo hoo! Finally. I'm gonna check at Westgate this weekend.


our Central Market trips are nearly in-sync, amigo!


our Central Market trips are nearly in-sync, amigo!

🇨🇦 Steve

@manton We had tap to pay here; Apple Pay went from zero to working almost everywhere in its first week.

Jeremiah Lee

@manton Wow. Contactless cards were ubiquitous in Sverige a decade ago. I guess new payment terminals would be a significant expense for a large chain with low margins.

Manton Reece @manton
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