I was hoping the new iPhone Pro would have 12 GB of RAM. Sticking with 8 GB is enough for small AI models, but doesn’t seem as future-proof as the new Google Pixel at 16 GB. Apples to oranges? Dunno, that’s a really big difference.

@Archimage Yeah, but that's a full year away. I usually don't get a new phone every year, so it's making me doubt jumping to the iPhone 16 right away. (Probably will anyway!)

@manton don't get carried away. Tim still needs to keep 8 GBs of RAM the default on new MacBooks.

Well, there will probably be something new you'll want in the 18 by then ;)

@Eggfreckles Ugh, that's even more stark… Google Pixel shouldn't have 2x the RAM of a new MacBook Pro.