Tumblr’s getting started on porting the backend to WordPress:

We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction. We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside.

I hope they blog about the process… Should be interesting.

Numeric Citizen

I was thinking the same... something along the lines of Ghost.org with Fediverse. I wish Tumblr would aim to be something we have a long time ago: Posterous.

Doug Jones

Holy moly, that sounds like quite the migration. I really do hope they blog about it. The blogging engine, I can see how that might port to WordPress, but the social aspects of Tumblr...that seems like a big challenge. But maybe that part is out of scope?

Manton Reece

@dfj That's my guess too. The first pass could be mostly the blog storage part, and the social features are like a custom front-end to that. Unless they can somehow leverage and expand the WordPress.com social features.


@numericcitizen I really liked Posterous

Brian Christiansen

@numericcitizen Posterous: now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.

Thibault Lemaitre

@numericcitizen aww man posterous brings back some great memories 🪦🥲

Manton Reece @manton
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