Setting up some more customer support email filters. It’s gotten to where I have so much spam waiting for me, I hate to check support email, which is really bad for everyone. 🙁

Jason Becker

I'm not sure what service you're using, but I have to say, Fastmail's ability to create rules and filters on headers is incredibly powerful. For example, I have one for if a header called list-id exists, and the email has the word unsubscribe anywhere, and the sender is not a contact, move it to a folder for Newsletters.

Manton Reece

@jsonbecker That's cool. I'm using HelpScout and it has similar rules… I added a couple more today.

Adrian Izquieta

I'm what service or app?

Manton Reece

@adrianizq HelpScout (which overall I really like).

Colin Devroe

Sorry, I can't find a better thread to put this in. I know we've discussed this in the past... is there a plan to add a link to get to the beginning of a conversation? It is still next to impossible to link to a conversation on if someone uses their own domain name.

Manton Reece

@cdevroe Yeah, the problem is we only show the Conversation link when there are replies already. Not sure what the best solution is, happy to hear suggestions!

Colin Devroe

I do not see the Conversation link even if there are replies. Where should I be looking?

Simon Woods

@cdevroe Conversation links are only available on the web. //

Colin Devroe

@SimonWoods I went to the website to find it and I wasn't able!

Simon Woods

@cdevroe This is what I see — one for replies and one for the original post:

Simon Woods

@cdevroe Also quick tip: When using a MB account, you can make a random reply from scratch — so you don't need to worry about replying in the right thread or anything — by starting your new post with the username of the person to who you want to send a message.

Bonus of this: it counts the same as any other reply so doesn't go to your full-post feed, can be controlled just like other replies, and won't appear for folks who have filtered the Timeline to not include unwanted replies.

Colin Devroe

@SimonWoods Yes, but you need a blog here to do so.

Colin Devroe

@SimonWoods On replies on the web but not on the original post and in none of the apps.

Colin Devroe

Perhaps adding the link in the Mac and iOS apps and also, adding it to the original thread starting post? Since it isn't there even on the web.

One other thing that confused me (and probably shouldn't have) is that the links under each post actually are to the conversation, it just so happens to be that user's reply - rather than the original post URL. I just spend too much time hunting for the original URL.

I hope that makes sense!

Oh, and bring the avatar hover feature to the apps!

Manton Reece @manton
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