I often only finally get into a book at the end of a loan in Libby, hopelessly nowhere near finished with it. Wish there was a “just give me one extra day” button. For Kindle, turning off wifi works, but no good option for audiobooks.
Yeah, I had this issue lately. I had to listen to the audiobook on 2x just to finish it lol
Yeah, I had this issue lately. I had to listen to the audiobook on 2x just to finish it lol

I’ve just told my family to imagine I was dead. And finishing my book on Libby before midnight ahaha

Perhaps its library dependent but I can often renew my borrow when I’m in a similar situation - perhaps it just depends how many holds are on it?

@markavey in Libby you can’t renew borrows if anyone else is already waiting. If you do so, the system puts you into the line, so it’s a hold and you have to wait 😭 but it’s fair though devastating sometimes… have a good day with your books!

@markavey Yep, I think if there are holds it usually doesn't let you renew.

On a physical Kindle, if you keep the book open and don’t close it you can keep on reading even after the loan is due. Kindle seems to validate the lending when you open the book from the Home Screen

That makes sense. Guess the stuff I’m borrowing is relatively obscure as they rarely seem to have holds on them 😊

@leBonheur You too! I remember once I had a book I really wanted to finish but ran out of time and someone else had on hold. Luckily they had the audiobook version, too, so I borrowed that and listened until my turn came around again for the eBook. (It was a huge book so took me weeks to get through lol).

@markavey it gives also some excitement, you know - you have to search, find solutions, hide - just to read a book. You can have multiply library cards on Libby, so I have 2 and each library has different books. Plus NYPL is not connected to Hoopla, so I got another card. NYPL let you borrow for 21 days, the other one - for just 7. So you need to be strategic ahaha. But most of my ebooks and audiobooks I get from Everand - it’s subcription $12/m and they have huge catalog and unlimited borrows. Worth to check!