There is a place for the WordPress block editor, or Medium, or Squarespace, or any number of very nice editors. But if you want to write natively for the web, those will never be quite right.

Pelle Wessman

@manton Yeah, then Markdown it is ;)

Manton Reece

@voxpelli Yep. πŸ™‚

Mark Gardner
Amit Gawande :verified_coffee:

@manton Though I personally agree, I have learnt to acknowledge that β€œright” is subjective. Not all writers are equal and hence not everyone has the same workflow.

Tyler K. Nothing

I personally use MarkEdit for macOS and keep open tabs for everything I'm working on. Simple, fast, clean. I just wish it had a Save All function. Of course, this is a moot point if you don't use a Mac.

Manton Reece @manton
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