Finally cancelling iTunes Match. Created playlists in to find and download every track with cloud status “matched” or “uploaded” to my Mac. In the process, found a gold mine of old audio recordings off my MiniDisc, circa 2004-2006.

Lou Plummer 💖

@manton I wish Apple Music could access files in iCloud. I have over 200GB of music files, and I don't fancy putting them all on my local hard drive.

Manton Reece

@amerpie That would be cool. It does seem a missed opportunity to better unify Apple Music and the old iTunes / MP3 files world.

Randy Botti

funny, I did the same. I had hundreds of CDs back in the day, many of the Hawaiian music still isn't on their servers.

Numeric Citizen

I didn’t know iTunes Match was still a thing!


@amerpie @manton I use ITunes Match so YMMV, but I think you can download them, add them to iTunes, wait for iTunes to upload them, then delete the local copy in iTunes, and from then on you can stream them. It’s a pain (depending on your connection) but it works.


@manton the music I listen to the most is region locked to a different country than the one I live in, so I don’t think I will ever be able to switch from iTunes Match. I have an album that I bought on iTunes in that region and it gives me trouble all the time because iTunes gets confused whether I have access to it or not. I regret not buying it on cd then ripping it and tossing or giving away the cd (I have no space in my life for CDs).

Hjalmer Duenow

@numericcitizen I listen to my library streamed via iTunes Match while commuting every day. Occasionally I stream music I don't own via Apple Music, but in lieu of a device with enough storage to hold my whole library, iTunes Match works for me.

Numeric Citizen

@hjalm cool! 👍🏻

Manton Reece @manton
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