With a new iPhone coming this week, seems a good time to post my latest home screen. Same layout as before, but now using iOS 18 instead of blank spacer icons. In the dock: Hey, Epilogue, Strata, and Micro.blog.

Paweł Orzech

@manton Swarm wasn't something I would say people use in 2024


not a single folder on the main screen? are you anti-folder /gen

Manton Reece

@ezrahenley.com Yeah, I like the home screen as simple as possible. The second screen is mostly folders.

Manton Reece

@ezrahenley.com Yeah, I like the home screen as simple as possible. The second screen is mostly folders.

Manton Reece

@pawel I wish I didn’t still use it! Working on a replacement, and I occasionally import the data to a blog.

R Scott Jones

Oooh, I'd be interested in a replacement.

Chris Enns

Talk about dogfooding your own apps! Nicely done. :)

Manton Reece @manton
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