Automattic vs. WP Engine will have a chilling effect on WordPress hosting. When I decided to use Hugo in, I considered using WordPress under the hood instead. It would’ve brought significant benefits, but at the cost of bloat and web hosting monoculture. Glad to have avoided this drama.

Adam Tinworth

Somehow, in my head, WordPress is still the scrappy little platform that benefited from Six Apart's awful screw-up with Movable Type pricing. And then I remember that this is two seriously big businesses fighting over the software that powers so much of the web.

Manton Reece

@sgtstretch Thanks. Yes, WP is too big and actually not very focused on blogging anymore, oddly enough.

Manton Reece

@adders Exactly. Matt said that each is about a $500 million/year business.

Seth :rebel: :fist_raised: ⁂

@manton It does have a major chilling factor.

Mandaris Moore

I’ve been enjoying learning about Hugo. Are there any plans to upgrade on the near horizon? This is just me being a nerd 🤓

Manton Reece

@mandaris I haven't looked at the latest version recently, but we should, yes. Last time we added a new version a few things broke, so need to test more this time.

Юрий Молодцов

There's not too much money in blogging. But happy to pay!

Michael Sippey

Had no idea micro had Hugo under the hood.

Manton Reece @manton
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