Pushed another TestFlight beta of Micro.blog with lots of little tweaks that had been bugging me. Still a few bugs in this version, plus the work of replacing the old text editor.


As someone who likes a nice changelog, I would love to know what those lots of little tweaks are, especially if they are in the UI

Jade van Dörsten

@pratik The commit messages serve as a pretty good changelog: github.com/microdotb...


@jade Thanks. This is helpful. I'll bookmark this. There ought to be a way to summarize these headings into a bullet list that Manton can cut-paste to the release notes.

Manton Reece

@pratik @jade Yeah, I don't usually spend as much time on beta release notes as a "real" release. That commit history is good for the nitty-gritty details.

David Johnson

Did you see my post to @help a week or so ago about the new text editor? I’ve had two problems with it:

  1. text at random intervals appears to move around, sorting itself out. Nothing ends up happening, but the effect is disconcerting.
  2. I’ve been editing longer posts and have suddenly lost a big chunk of text. Thankfully I have the original saved to a file on my computer. I am not clear what I did before that happened. Just editing.
Sam Radford

Is there a plan to be able to add a category using the app?

Manton Reece

@samradford No immediate plans, but it is a good idea that we should add.

Manton Reece

@crossingthethreshold Thanks, I did see that. Not sure why that's happening but hopefully I can reproduce it. For the disappearing text, I wonder if it's an undo problem since we handle that in a special way.

David Sinclair

I'd love to use it, but the lack of remembering where I'm up to is a fatal problem for me.

Manton Reece

@dejus That is still planned for eventually, but it is taking a long time. Have you tried the new Reeder? It’s really good at that.

Sam Radford

Okay. Good to know.

Josh Withers

sorry to bug oyu in the timeline but I've emailed help. I can't post because my credit card was stolen and a new one was required. I've added it and paid but I'm still in "need to upgrade" mode.

David Johnson

Thank you.

Manton Reece

@joshua Sorry, I’m fixing that and will reply in email.

Manton Reece @manton
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