Dave Winer celebrating 30 years of blogging today:

Every time you post something you’re proud of on a social media site, how about taking a moment and posting it to your blog too. And while there, if appropriate, link to something from some part of your post, even though the social media sites don’t support linking, the web is still there and it still does.

Thomas Vander Wal

I seriously need to get back to this practice.

But, also my note taking / note making gets my brain dumps about things of interest that I've read or worked through. I need to get back to putting these out as blog posts as well. I've been blogging to myself for 2 to 4 years quite heavily.

Manton Reece

@vanderwal Yeah, that balance of private notes and public blog posts will be different for everyone, but I want to do more with Micro.blog’s notes to make it easier to move them to blog posts when it makes sense.

Thomas Vander Wal

Back in 2006 or so I wrote up a social progression social workflow stack and the capturing things then sorting out what to share out where is a key early part.

I used to personally have that process down, but I need to rework it for myself.

Thomas Vander Wal

@vanderwal The Draft App model for capture and then sort out where to distribute is a good example of the "capture and share / take action with it" coupled step in the flow.

Manton Reece @manton
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