Interesting heads-up from Gareth Edwards that .io might be going away:

Once this treaty is signed, the British Indian Ocean Territory will cease to exist. Various international bodies will update their records. In particular, the International Standard for Organization (ISO) will remove country code “IO” from its specification.

I will be surprised if there isn’t a special case for .io renewals because of how widespread it is. I have a few registrations myself.

Miraz Jordan

That was so interesting. Thanks for the link.

Simon Woods

If the money goes to reparations for the Chagossian people, as well as any other native people who were also victims of our bullshit, then sure. We could even include a condition that each site must include a disclaimer to note this connection; an acknowledgement of past mistakes which implies we are holding ourselves responsible for doing better in the future.

@manton 😳 That's what we can call a modern life problem. I have a .tv, which could hypothetically speaking end up in the same issue, but I really promote it.

Manton Reece @manton
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