Jason Fried says version 1 is for you:

v1 is for us. No one else. Others will use it, many will resonate with it, but ultimately, v1 is ours. It’s sacred ground. There’s an eternity to change, tweak, modify, grow, expand, and adjust for everyone else, but there’s only a fixed amount of time to make that perfect version 1 for us.

The only thing I’d add is that sometimes v2 and v3 are just for us too. Micro.blog does a lot of things and the only way it works is that I don’t add features I won’t use myself.


I like that approach. I'm not a dev by any means but I feel like building something you personally use makes it more exciting or maybe more rewarding to work on

Joan Westenberg

okay but now I’m mad I don’t know what they’re working on


Manton Reece @manton
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