Got a really nice response to our quick one-day sale, 25% off for a year if you upgrade to Premium or Family. I’m going to keep the sale for another 24 hours for folks in other time zones who missed it. 🏷️

Ben Southwood.

I’ve shared to the Facebook writing group I’m part of. No idea if anyone will be interested, but we’ll see.

Manton Reece

@BenSouthwood Thanks!

Dallas Hockley

where is the sale? Not seeing it in app or on the website. Have I gone blind?

Dallas Hockley

well took a leap of faith. Never saw any indication of the discount until I got the invoice that showed 25% off. Updated my payment plan to Apple Pay and then updated the subscription. Saw $10 and it said activated. Nothing I saw until the invoice on share or coupon or checkout or anything.

Of course as an indie I’ve followed for years I trust you, but odd experience, just FYI.

Manton Reece

@Codercanuck Thanks! Sorry the experience was bad. I thought I had tested all the different payment flows but I must have missed something. Please let me if anything is actually wrong with the charges and I'll fix it.

Dallas Hockley

will do but I think it’s all good now. Lot of options for payment. Great for us customers. Nightmare for testing it!

Manton Reece @manton
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