Noodling with something. I’m still waffling on what form it will take if it ships. Just a static, no-text placeholder website for now:


@manton exciting placeholder!

Jarrod Blundy

Between this and Timetables, I’m getting a sense for where your mind is headed. Are you doing the artwork? It’s gorgeous!

Clifford Beshers

@jarrod Seconded on the artwork.

Manton Reece

@otaviocc @cliffordbeshers @jarrod Haha. Thanks y'all. One thing I can promise is it's not cryptocurrency. I cobbled the design together but unfortunately can't take credit for the painting part of it.

Nick Radcliffe

Bet it’s a bundle!

Manton Reece

@njr It was going to be a bundle! But I'm switching up the plan slightly.

Manton Reece @manton
Lightbox Image