Finished reading: Sourdough by Robin Sloan. Enjoyed this so much. Just the book I needed this week. 📚


His newest, Moonbound, was an absolute joy too.

Manton Reece I've got that one in my queue, looking forward to it!

Manton Reece I've got that one in my queue, looking forward to it!

Munish Pruthi

oooh his other book was brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

Jim Rain

It's great, isn't it? Have you read Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore?

Manton Reece

@JimRain I did read it! Actually forgot it was the same author until you just mentioned it.

Jade van Dörsten

Sounds like a fun read. I'm going to try and pick it up from the library this week.

Manton Reece @manton
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