Regretting my new attempt with SwiftUI for Mac apps. My gut said stick with AppKit but I was sucked into the ease of bootstrapping a new app. Lots of paper cuts, now seriously considering wrapping NSTableView to replace List.



Jim Hull

So for those new to it, you would suggest no SwiftUI?

Manton Reece For iOS, SwiftUI seems great. For Mac, I'm not convinced yet.

Leon Mika

The allure of quickly bootstrapping new apps is always how they get ya. 😀


@manton its fine for toy apps and demos. but you hit the limitations pretty quick.

Collin Donnell

@isaiah @manton it’s pretty good on iOS now. I haven’t tried it on macOS in a while, but last time I did, it was rough.


@collin @manton i **almost** used some recently.

a friend gave me a fully working feature for my app. it worked great, did everything i needed, and because it was in its own window it could coexist easily.

but it relied on lots that had only recently been added. i i could limit support to Sonoma+ I would have kept it. But in the end I replaced it with AppKit.


He hasn’t stated the problem, but I suspect it’s performance of the list, which has been spoken of time immemorial.


He hasn’t stated the problem, but I suspect it’s performance of the list, which has been spoken of time immemorial.

Lucas Puskaric

we found the same thing at my enterprise job... we have new code and legacy code and it was just a huge issue both skill gap and reusing old stuff

Stuart Breckenridge

List performance is rubbish when using SwiftUI on the Mac. Using a single column Table solved my performance problems.

Stuart Breckenridge

List performance is rubbish when using SwiftUI on the Mac. Using a single column Table solved my performance problems.

Manton Reece @manton
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