I have a major character flaw. Whenever I see an old abandoned building, graffiti everywhere, weeds overgrown, a for-sale sign that’s been there for an unknown number of years, I think… With a little care, that could be a beautiful bookstore.

The Art Of Not Asking Why

a flaw, you say? I think you just found yourself another business idea

Manton Reece

@jtr I think about it a lot. The only thing holding me back is a pile of cash.

Martin Hähnel
Rob Fahrni

I do something very similar. My thought is "with a little care, that could be an excellent coffee shop."

If it's two stories I add in the dream of living upstairs.

Yours is a wonderful dream. I hope you're able to do it someday.​

Randy Botti

I always see a little hole in the wall location as the perfect spot for a pub.

Manton Reece

@matti Love that, thanks for sharing.

Craig Morgan

@manton you need to make a trip to Hay-on-Wye, that was the basic premise for it becoming the "book capital" in the 70/80s … its basically saved/rejuvenated the whole town and ultimately put it on the world stage. So go for it ;)

Manton Reece

@craigmorgan Sounds great, I'd love to visit!

Craig Morgan
Jan Erik Moström

@craigmorgan yeah, that place was an experience ... I wish I would have visited when I was younger and still read books.

A return to normal

I am an urban planner who gets frustrated with a lack of quality third places in the burbs of Portland and sometimes dream of opening a coffee shop. Instead of trying to regulate or incentivize placemaking, just do it myself. There’s this vacant historic house zoned commercial in a good location 👀

Bryan Robb

I am an urban planner who gets frustrated with a lack of quality third places in the burbs of Portland and sometimes dream of opening a coffee shop. Instead of trying to regulate or incentivize placemaking, just do it myself. There’s this vacant historic house zoned commercial in a good location 👀

A return to normal

I am an urban planner who gets frustrated with a lack of quality third places in the burbs of Portland and sometimes dream of opening a coffee shop. Instead of trying to regulate or incentivize placemaking, just do it myself. There’s this vacant historic house zoned commercial in a good location 👀

Bryan Robb

I am an urban planner who gets frustrated with a lack of quality third places in the burbs of Portland and sometimes dream of opening a coffee shop. Instead of trying to regulate or incentivize placemaking, just do it myself. There’s this vacant historic house zoned commercial in a good location 👀

Bryan Robb

I am an urban planner who gets frustrated with a lack of quality third places in the burbs of Portland and sometimes dream of opening a coffee shop. Instead of trying to regulate or incentivize placemaking, just do it myself. There’s this vacant historic house zoned commercial in a good location 👀

chelsea wilkinson // HELLSEA

@bryan Im an artist and thirst for creative third spaces, but anything I dream of opening something I just get stopped with "well how would I cover rent".

or like how can I have a space but don't have to end up managing a coffee shop too...

chelsea wilkinson // HELLSEA


Steven Veltema

@manton ah, the joys of living without fear of earthquakes.

Kali Kambo

I do something similar. There's an abandoned building down the road from me that used to be a bank. Every time I drive by, I think "Cafe + stationery shop."

Manton Reece

@kalikambo Old bank buildings can be great. I've seen a few that I wouldn't mind adapting too. There's a bookstore + coffee shop here in an old post office that feels similar.

Roger Scrafford

My favorite is a (former) bank in Liverpool. Glorious architecture!

Manton Reece @manton
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