We stopped using Basecamp recently, and one thing I really miss is the weekly question, asking folks what they want to work on. I found this useful even for my own planning. Something about it was better than a simple note file or to-do list.

Sam Radford

What made you move away from Basecamp out of interest?

Paul Campbell

@manton — We don't have that question, but we did have "What did you work on today?"

We ended up moving it to a Slack channel, and I much prefer it.

Jarrod Blundy

I used to use it in a past job too, and I very much appreciated the automatic questions. Honestly, I might use it for my own small business if they still had their personal/free plans. What made you switch, and what’d you switch to?


@manton However you do it, I’d agree it’s a useful practice. A long time ago I started - as part of my own weird GTD hybrid methodology - asking myself on th Sunday evening before the new week, “what are the top 3 things I’d like to try to do/solve/move forward this week?”


I could never really get into Basecamp. I do need another project management too. Asana doesn't work for me either.

Vilius P

Why did you stop using Basecamp?

Max Seelemann

@manton what’d you switch to and why? We’re pretty happy and deep down in the Basecamp camp 🏕️

Helge Heß

I would be very interested in how you actually used it. I’m currently working on modernizing OpenGroupware, which might be a free replacement.

Helge Heß

I would be very interested in how you actually used it. I’m currently working on modernizing OpenGroupware, which might be a free replacement.

Manton Reece @manton
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