Three weeks since I stopped posting to Threads. I don’t miss it. If they ever actually finish the ActivityPub rollout, I’ll migrate my followers to and keep avoiding Meta. Your milage may vary.
The only reason I still have an account there is so I can take design cues from their excellently designed apps
They've done good work on the Threads app. I've never got anything but good responses from the team there. Just the leadership is on the wrong track.

I got annoyed early on as they sent me Instagram notification that "such n such would like to see me on threads", which was obviously a lie. I never signed up.

@bloftin2 Those notifications are the worst. Just blatant attempts to get their users and engagement up.

I’m still crossposting, but I turned off as many notifications besides replies as I can, hid all the Threads stuff shoved into Instagram, and removed the app from my Home Screen. I’m not missing it either, and too look forward to when I can just point people there to my Mb account.
Meta may have changed its name to redeem its image, but the foundations of its highly questionable business policy are unshakeable...

I did the same thing around the same time - not connected to anything you posted AFAIK. I haven't missed it either. It was starting to feel too much like Facebook with the Instagram crowd joining for my liking.