I hadn’t noticed this before. New styling for blockquotes on Mastodon. This post started on my blog: Markdown → HTML → ActivityPub → Mastodon. This version of Mastodon is probably deployed widely enough that I can drop the redundant quotes that Micro.blog adds.

Screenshot of my post with blockquote on Mastodon.
Michael Stanclift

@manton so that actually was added to 4.4/main a about three weeks ago. User coverage is 35% at the moment mostly because it's already running on mastodon.social.

Michael Stanclift
Manton Reece

@vmstan Nice. Skimming through FediDB, I can see there are a few large instances still on 4.1 or 4.2. Wonder if there's a site that tries to aggregate version numbers to get a rough install base number?

Jarrod Blundy

Oooh nice!


Hmm, I saw some red posts on mastodon dot social early today and didn't understand why they had color.

Mark Stoneman

The one I'm on is 4.3.1.

Ryan Booker

@manton except in clients it won’t necessarily render as anything in particular.

This is Ivory.

Ivory rendering a quote identically to the normal body text.

Manton Reece

@ryanbooker Ivory should be updated to support blockquotes. I tested a couple other native clients and it looks good in Mammoth and okay in Ice Cubes.

Ryan Booker

@manton I don’t disagree, but a huge number of people will see nothing at the moment. 🤷‍♂️

Ryan Booker

@manton I’d love it if they fixed the double rendering of line breaks too. I think that’s because they don’t acknowledge <p> tags and just strip them and render white space as is.

Manton Reece

@ryanbooker Yeah, to be clear I'm not going to make this change right now, I overestimated how many people would be on the latest version. But it is interesting that the web version of Mastodon is often the best experience. Other apps are often tied to their Twitter roots and don't support any formatting except links.

Ryan Booker

@manton yeah. Hopefully they get more permissive over time. I did see Tapbots mention somewhere that code blocks are coming so hopefully blockquotes are in the pipeline too.

Michael Stanclift

@manton I have a crawler that does exactly that, but I haven't built a front end for it (yet) because I'm not really sure how I want to go about that. (For now it dumps everything to Sqlite and I manipulate the data in Excel) -- This is based on polling 10223 servers.

Manton Reece

@vmstan That's useful! Thanks for sharing the stats.

Michael Stanclift

@manton anytime.

Manton Reece @manton
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