Woke up to a whole bunch of good (though not positive) feedback. Going to be a busy day!

Jason Becker

I've never used an external feed source, but I think it'd be helpful to show last fetched time and preview of the feed as seen by Micro.blog to help people (and you) debug those issues. Probably worth writing something short about how you expect to process a feed-- required fields, what they're mapped to, etc.

Other than that, I really think the best advice is what @danielpunkass told you-- gotta start with tests somewhere, and tests are the best way to reproduce, fix, and ensure you never see a bug again.

Manton Reece

@jsonbecker Good idea, I'll add some more info there. Whenever someone has a problem, that's the first thing I check… Time the feed was checked, the response, etc. We need to make all of that available for anyone to see.

Manton Reece @manton
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