I’ve updated our Mastodon and Bluesky cross-posting to have new options to control whether to backfeed replies to Micro.blog. It also now better respects the visibility of posts to avoid leaking semi-private posts outside of Mastodon. Screenshot of the setting:

Screenshot of Micro.blog Sources page.

thanks for this

S Koren

Cool! Thank you! Um, may I suggest a way to more easily identify where a post comes from in the timeline? Maybe an icon tag (Bluesky/Mastodon) or just a color stripe on a post? Or you can just ignore this :)

Manton Reece

@Archimage Good idea. Usually you can tell if it’s from Bluesky because it’s a domain name, but this could be improved visually.

Mathew Packer

nice work, thank you 🙏

Chris Enns

oh that’s good. I still haven’t figured out if I like replies here or not, but I appreciate the option.

John Payne :procella:

@manton what's the default? When i load the settings page both radio buttons are unselected. I select one but there's no save?

Manton Reece

@john I just noticed there's an issue when there are multiple feeds. If you have multiple feeds, that might be what happened. I'll have it fixed shortly.

Manton Reece

@john I just noticed there's an issue when there are multiple feeds. If you have multiple feeds, that might be what happened. I'll have it fixed shortly.

Manton Reece

@john I just noticed there's an issue when there are multiple feeds. If you have multiple feeds, that might be what happened. I'll have it fixed shortly.

John Payne :procella:

@manton thanks! I think I have one feed per blog but I might be missing something. I do have different destinations per blog


thanks! Currently after being crossposted Bluesky replies are showing up on my blog, while Mastodon replies only as mentions.Is this behaviour correct?It would be nice to have all replies from my crossposted posts Bluesky and Mastodon appearing on the blog itself.

Manton Reece

@john Is it working now if you reload the Sources page?

Jim Mitchell

Perhaps I’m missing something on this? In my sources feed, I’ve got options to post and get set for both Mastodon and Bluesky. I received a reply to a Mastodon toot that was created from a Mb post, but the comment is not showing up on the Mb post.

Manton Reece

@jimmitchell Can you send me a link to the blog post and comment so I can troubleshoot with that? Maybe a reply isn't being wired up correctly.

Jim Mitchell


Post: jimmitchell.org/2024/12/1...Mastodon reply: mastodon.social[@]bloftinsk8/113640657875196425Micro.blog convo: micro.blog/bloftinsk...[@]mastodon.social/51995231

Also, your reply to me above isn't showing in my Mentions feed... Let me know if you need more.

فؤاد الفرحان

Same issue as Jim

I see replies from Mastodon in micro.blog/mentions but it does not show up in my single post page. Only comments from microblog users show

Manton Reece

@alfarhan I think I've got this fixed now going forward. It should also attempt to fix some previous replies next time it checks your mentions.

Manton Reece @manton
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