This post on the news blog might seem minor, but it’s already making a huge difference. My brain had not come to terms with how bogged down the background timeline updating could get. I’m not even sure how larger platforms with millions of followers handle fan-out quickly.

Fantastic stuff ! I do not know how you manage all the design across both interface design and engineering front end and back end plus all the features !

Yes, this is HUGE, and a long time coming. Thank you for continuing to make all of the pieces of fit together better.
(I’m secretly hoping this means another step toward timeline sync. I’ve gotten the hang of “rewinding” but would love for the software to do this for me. This feature seems connected to me because I’ve occasionally seen posts appear “inserted” in my timeline retroactively if my rewinding overshoots.)

@fgtech Yes, while not directly related to timeline sync, faster updates will make sync more reliable when we eventually add it.