Didn’t expect how much I’d like the new full-screen photos view that is built into the Micro.blog photo collections plug-in. To see it in action, scroll through my blog home page and click on a photo.

Greg Morris

Are there docs on how to build this into custom themes?

Manton Reece

@DaveyCraney Yes, I see the problem. Will fix today in a plug-in update so it works for summaries.

Manton Reece

@gregmorris Not really docs, but all the JS and CSS is in this repository if you want to copy it: github.com/microdotb...

Chris Enns

Sorry you may have said this elsewhere - does this get added to every blog automatically or the theme has to be updated to support it first?

Chris Enns

Never mind! I see the plugin in the directory! :)

Manton Reece

@iChris If you use the new "collection" shortcode in a blog post, the plug-in will automatically get installed. But otherwise no, you have to install it yourself if you want it.

Manton Reece @manton
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