We should all give people space to be wrong a few times before we lose our shit. Outrage is a last resort.

Dave Winer

Amen. Maybe we should tamp down the outrage altogether. It's a vicious cycle, my outrage begets other people's outrage and on and on. These days we have incredible outrage amplification tools. And we're living with the consequences.

Dave Winer

Amen. Maybe we should tamp down the outrage altogether. It's a vicious cycle, my outrage begets other people's outrage and on and on. These days we have incredible outrage amplification tools. And we're living with the consequences.

Tom Loughlin

Wise advice. I will save my outrage of Elon Musk raising the price of X Premium Plus from $16 to $22 for another time. (Full disclosure - I don't have an X account).


@scripting.com Are we sure outrage is even useful at all? I feel like the best way to convince someone they are wrong about something is by actually befriending them, and having regular normal conversations over a long period of time about whatever topic it may be, not screeching at them.

Manton Reece

@apoorplayer I hadn't even heard of that price increase yet! That is really expensive for what it offers. I'm beyond being outraged about Elon. The less I even think about him, the better.


@manton odd thing is, so many believe outrage is a right, or a defacto OF the internet


@manton absolutely.

and i think this goes hand in hand with people hating to admit when they’re wrong.

we all need to try hard to accept mistakes and accidents, especially our own.

Dave Winer

@scattershot -- agreed. rage is only useful as a self-motivator, it doesn't do much toward opening a dialog.

Manton Reece @manton
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