Nice use of photo collections on David Dykstal’s photos page.

This is cool. Can we display a smaller set of photos from a collection on a page with a link to see the full collection? I'm assuming David has only this many right now in each of his collections.

@pratik Nope, but that's a good idea. Maybe the collection shortcode could accept a parameter for the number of photos to show.

Yup. That would be great to show in a post and have people click through to the page with the full collection.

I am confused, on my blog the Photos page appears to be a redirect to a auto generated page so no way for me to add links to collections. Is there another way to make a photos page?

@frankm You can delete the built-in Photos page and create any page there if you want. The way @ddykstal created it was to use photo collections and then paste in the collection "shortcode" to include thumbnails of the photos on the new page. We should write this up in more detail, but for an intro to photo collections see the help page.

I suggest displaying the specified number of photos, with the last one dimmed with the number of remaining photos overlaid, like several sites like Campground Reviews does.

the ingenuity of the people on and the constant improvements blow my mind. Happy Holidays you, Traci, and the kids. Thanks for creating this.

@dejus Yes. That's a common UI that does a nice job of indicating the number of photos.

@numericcitizen The Glass Series is extremely well done, including the Series tab on our profile. One minor quibble that also someone else on Glass pointed out. On our main Glass profile, under the Photos tab, it would help to also know which photos are part of a Series. Some have suggested a similar UI on our profile as is on the Glass main feed page but I think Glass wants a page where you can see all the photos we have uploaded, Series or not. That's understandable if that is indeed the logic.

it is nice. It makes it easy to see what can be done and why. I want to get around to implement it on my blog, too