By popular demand, added a sign-up form to the teaser home page. I’ll send an email to everyone at launch on January 2nd. Then I’ll sell the mailing list to the highest bidder and you’ll get spam for life. (Just kidding. It’ll be a one-time email.)

David Johnson

Who is this for? I’d like to sign up as it is a new offering from, and you say that this is for people new to…which I’m definitely not.

Perhaps I have answered my own question?

Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦

Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦

Al Power

just for info the signup form button is mainly off to the left off the screen on my iPhone (a min width somewhere?)

Manton Reece

@alpower Fixed now!

Manton Reece @manton
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