Found this first edition, signed copy of A Song for Arbonne at Half Price Books the other day and had to get it. Read it so long ago that it’ll be like reading it for the first time. I’m always on the lookout for old Kay books, they seem in short supply. 📚

Kitt Hodsden

Holy moly yes! My fave author. His early books are ✨amazing✨. I am a bit jelly rn.

Kitt Hodsden

Holy moly yes! My fave author. His early books are ✨amazing✨. I am a bit jelly rn.


Kay himself is on here, fwiw!

Also hiiii, Manton! We met years ago at a PeersConf (or maybe it was dotAll?)


Kay himself is on here, fwiw!

Also hiiii, Manton! We met years ago at a PeersConf (or maybe it was dotAll?)

Manton Reece One of my favorite authors too! I haven’t read it in a while but Tigana is an all-time favorite.

Manton Reece Cool! And hi again, I think it was at PeersConf. 👋

Kitt Hodsden

Yes! Some of its scenes sit with me decades later. Lions is also in my head. 😍

Jefferson Burson

great find! I haven’t seen that cover before. I like Kay a lot. I was just thinking about re-reading the Lions of Al-Rassan the other day

Michael Grant

Love GGK, such a beautiful prose stylist!

Michael Grant

He’s pretty active on Bluesky btw:


I think i may still owe you lunch! 😆

Timothy Wood

@manton Excellent! Mine isn't signed, but my daughter's middle name is Gavriel and got to tell him that in person at a reading some many years ago.

Manton Reece

@tjw That's so cool!

Manton Reece @manton
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