There are always little coding details that are hard to predict before launch until things are mostly ready to go. This morning I worked on our gift invites for Existing customers will be able to invite and pay for someone to get a year of blog hosting for $10.

@manton so will be out today? willing to pay for the £1 for the basic microblog features (but no crossposting) for now :)

@j4ck Thanks! Yes, launching in an hour or so. Just some final testing and whatnot. 🙂

Like the idea. Also like the reduced version as well. It's a good place to start.

@AndyNicolaides There’s not currently a way to switch an existing account. For now it’s designed more for new users but it’s something I’ll explore when the dust settles.

@AndyNicolaides Sorry for the mixup. The 7-day trial text was wrong, there is no trial for I've changed your new account (@andyn) to use You'll still need to add a payment method if you want to keep using it, though. Let me know if anything looks wrong and I'll fix it. Thanks!

ah, cool, thank you Manton that’s much appreciated. I’ll cancel this one and switch to the other (with the shorter name). Thanks again.

@AndyNicolaides Got it, I'll update your subscription. I think because I manually changed it, got a little confused.

thanks so much that seems to have done the trick. It looks like the theme editing wasn’t enabled again, but no problem it is a fair restriction for the lower tier to be fair 👍

@AndyNicolaides Okay, I've reset the custom theme and fixed the expiration. Should be good now! Sorry for all the trouble.